Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What I am reading...

Truth be told, I am somewhat of an information-education junkie. Although I don't classify myself as a traditional "student" I am a bit of a nerd at heart and am a self-professing 'life-long learner.' That said, it should come as no surprise that the book I am currently reading is the American College of Sports Medicine's Resources for the Personal Trainer, the textbook for their professional personal training certification course, which I am training for.

Currently I coach many of my triathletes at the Downtown YMCA. At the YMCA I primarily coach athlete's swim leg, and don't focus on triathlon as holistically, because of the limitations for which I am allowed to prescribe based on my job description there. At a Lifetime Fitness, LA Fitness, or another gym I would be a fully accredited Personal Trainer/Coach, with my USA Triathlon coaching certification, this is not the case at the YMCA...so, no harm done, I am pursuing a more "official" education and getting my Personal Trainer certification.

The course is very thorough, and the book has a great wealth of information, including references to some additionally helpful resources and materials. While I feel very confident prescribing triathlon training plans, weekly workouts, and periodization charts for my athletes, I can honestly say that this course is growing my exercise physiology, kinesiology, and anatomy knowledge exponentially! While the book focuses primarily on the assessment, prescription and maintenance of a personal trianing regimen, the book offers additional information on managing a business, networking with allied health and medical professionals, and tracking development within a program.

There are some great nuggets that I am learning in this book, that anyone would profit from. I hope that while I finish up this program, that my athletes will benefit and my coaching practice will be improved through the investment I have made reading and studying for this accredidation and certification.

~Coach K

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Free Late Season Race Strategy Session

Please contact me if you are interested in designing a last race of the season, race strategy. I am happy and willing to do so at no charge and I am confident that I can save you time and hassles.
~Coach K